Christiana Collings Scam

Do you are familiar Christiana Collings Scam and Dominic Roque separation refreshes? Peruse this article to find out about it, alongside her age.

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Do you realize about the renowned Vogue style architect Christiana Collings? Have you seen that Christiana’s meetings and her posts are circulating around the web in the Philippines locale?

Christiana Collings is an electrifying style fashioner and model who has gained the hearts of millions of individuals with her magnificence. In any case, excellence accompanies issues too, so the Christiana Collings Scam is springing up on the web. So let us learn about that trick connected with her.

More subtleties on the Christiana Collings Scam

Christiana Collings is a well known Vogue style fashioner, model, and content maker who has arrived at the hearts of many individuals with her plans, outfits, and furthermore her mom and-girl team posts. Yet, as of late, her name has been the subject of a trick.

Truly, Christiana isn’t defrauding anybody since she is an originator who makes superb dresses, and she doesn’t appear to have any dark imprints in her profession. She maintains no organizations to trick individuals also. Thus, Christiana isn’t connected with any tricks, and she isn’t a survivor of any tricks too.

Christiana Collings and Dominic Roque

Dominic Roque is a renowned Filipino entertainer and model who rose to notoriety with his TV programs Aryana and May Isang. As of late, Dominic’s name turned into a moving one since he said a final farewell to his entertainer sweetheart, Bea Alonzo, in February 2024. The pair dated for a long time, and they are one of the most powerful couples with a greater fan base.

Once, Dominic and Bea went to the wedding of Christiana Collings’ sister. Thusly, Christiana Collings and Dominic Roque are connected, however there is no blood or love connection between them. Christiana Collings’ sister got hitched to Dominic’s companion, so he went to the marriage capability. Consequently, Christiana and Dominic are old buddies and have numerous common companions too.

Christiana Collings Age

The time of Christiana is 35, as she was brought into the world on November 7, 1989. Ordinarily, when individuals see the photographs of Christina, the initial inquiry that jumps into everybody’s brain is her age since she looks so youthful and thin. Furthermore, she has a five-year-old girl named Camryn, with whom Christian seems to be a more established sister.

Along these lines, Christiana Collings Age is completely not the same as her superficial presentation, and many fanatics of her needed to know her skincare schedule.

For what reason is Christiana Collings moving?

Christiana Collings is consistently a web-based entertainment star, however her new publicity is because of her sister’s wedding, which the well known entertainer and entertainer Dominic Roque and Bea went to as a team. Dominic and Bea declared their partition, so their relationship course of events is moving; Christiana Collings and Dominic Roque’s fellowships are likewise springing up on the web.

Be that as it may, Christiana isn’t connected with the partition of Dominic and Bea. She is a simple companion of his. Furthermore, she is perhaps of the most looked through happy maker in the Philippines, so her hunt question will continuously be a moving one.


Accordingly, we have talked about the Christiana Collings Scam and how she is connected with the partition of Dominic Roque and Bea. She is an individual who began her profession without any preparation with all her diligent effort and ability. What’s more, we trust that she accomplishes a great deal in her expert and individual life.

Have you seen the garments planned by Christiana Collings? Remark on it.

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